Dutch Terminology Service Centre

Dutch Terminology Service Centre (Steunpunt Nederlandstalige Terminologie)

The Dutch Language Union (DLU), a Dutch-Flemish governmental organisation for the interests of the Dutch language, actively supports the field of Dutch terminology. There is a need for this support. People involved in practical terminology work are often unaware of the existence of theories and tools, let alone they know how to make the best use of them. Furthermore, terminological theories and tools are very often much too complicated and time-consuming to be of any practical use. In terminology there is a gap between theory and practice and this problem is not only present in the Netherlands and Flanders but also in other parts of Europe and even beyond. Following the examples of other TSCs in Europe, the DLU founded the Dutch Terminology Service Centre three years ago. The aim of the Dutch TSC is to inform and provide support to end-users of Dutch terminology.

The Dutch TSC functions as a non-commercial information centre for all aspects of terminology and serves the entire Dutch-speaking community. We give advice on terminological research to anyone who is involved in terminology-related work (companies, organizations, translators, terminologists, teachers, scientists etc). On behalf of the DLU, the Dutch TSC maintains the website NedTerm (www.nedterm.org). NedTerm provides information on terminology activities and also includes a bibliography of terminological works, an overview of terminology training courses in the Netherlands and in Flanders, and information on standardisation issues. We are particularly keen on providing practical information on and links to on-line resources (terminological databases, information platforms) as well as promoting various language tools (especially open source) which can be used for terminology work.

Besides updating the website NedTerm, the Dutch TSC organizes terminology trainings and workshops for translators as well as master classes for scientists and language experts on different subjects related to terminological research. Apart from organizing in-depth study days, we are also offering practical solutions to our targeted group. An example is the development of web courses for terminology management. The courses ad hoc terminology and systematic terminology management both aimed at translators, translation agencies, terminologists, language professionals and master students can be found on our website.